Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gauritanayay dhimahi!!

 This puja is making me nostalgic. Yesterday, got fried rice and raita as Prasad with some sweets. That fried rice was of same exact taste that we used to get in my Bangalore PG. I kept some to relish today morning as a breakfast.

The first time in Bangalore when I got that fried rice for breakfast, I thought who eats rice in breakfast. And they gave too much in quantity. But, when I had it, it was good with the thick cucumber raita they served.

Same taste again after so long and that too for a morning Breakfast. 😊 Ofcourse I could not eat many foods in my initial days in Bangalore especially for lunch and dinner. The sour and spicy food was not appealing but breakfast was something that I always liked. Be it Pongal, idli wada, dosas, fried rice, pulihora or lemon rice. 

Then people in my office had this unique fights over the dosas and typical sambar of their region. They all were so obsessed with their perticular sambar and dosa. Being a Odia had better advantage, I liked almost all varieties of dosas and sambhar. Be it the thick and crispy dosas of Bangalore or the very thin paper dosas of Chennai or the thin crust dosas of Hyderabad.. these are all similar to our Chakuli pitha, with ghugni not sambhar. 

Why be so much obsessed with food? When you can enjoy all varieties and get yourself appeased with it. 

Anyway one must try the open dosas in Bangalore, paper dosas in Chennai and steamed dosa with variety of chutneys in Hyderabad. Chutneys of Hyderabad is way too good. 

Let's keep aside the various biryanis and arabian foods for time being. 

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