Monday, September 9, 2024

Shiva - the destroyer and restorer!!

 Ohm! Namah Shivay!!

नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय
भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय ।
नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय

नन्दीश्वरप्रमथनाथमहेश्वराय ।
तस्मै मकाराय नमः शिवाय

शिवाय गौरीवदनाब्जबृंदा
सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय ।
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय
तस्मै शिकाराय नमः शिवाय

वशिष्ठकुम्भोद्भवगौतमार्यमूनीन्द्र देवार्चिता शेखराय ।
तस्मै वकाराय नमः शिवाय

यज्ञस्वरूपाय जटाधराय
पिनाकहस्ताय सनातनाय ।
दिव्याय देवाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै यकाराय नमः शिवाय

नमः शिवाय नमः शिवाय

He who has the king of snakes as his garland and who has three eyes,

He whose body is smeared with sacred ashes and who is the great Lord,

He who is eternal, who is ever pure with the four directions as his clothes,

Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “na”

He who is worshipped with water from the Mandakini river and smeared with sandal paste,

He who is the lord of Nandi and of the ghosts and goblins, the great Lord,

He who is worshipped with Mandara and many other flowers,

Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “ma”

He who is auspicious and who is like the newly risen sun causing the lotus-face of Gauri to blossom,

He who is the destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha,

He who has a blue throat and has a bull as his emblem,

Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “shi”

He who is worshipped by the best and most respected sages – Vasishtha, Agastya and Gautama, and also by the gods, and who is the crown of the universe,

He who has the moon, sun and fire as his three eyes,

Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “va”

He who is the embodiment of yagna (sacrifice) and who has matted locks,

He who has the trident in his hand and who is eternal,

He who is divine, who is the shining one and who has the four directions as his clothes,

Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “ya”

करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा ।
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधं ।
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व ।
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो ॥

Whatever Sins have been Committed by Actions Performed by my Hands and FeetProduced by my Speech and BodyOr my Works,
Produced by my Ears and EyesOr Sins Committed by my Mind (i.e. Thoughts),
While Performing Actions which are Prescribed (i.e. duties prescribed by tradition or allotted duties in one's station of life), As Well as All other Actions which are Not explicitly Prescribed (i.e. actions done by self-judgement, by mere habit, without much thinking, unknowingly etc); Please Forgive Them All,
VictoryVictory to You, O Sri Mahadeva Shambho, I Surrender to You, You are an Ocean of Compassion.

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