Monday, September 16, 2024

Unusual coincidences!!

 I can't really forget this incident of watching "The attack of 26/11" movie on the night of 25th nov 2018. 

It was a long tiring day after work and I just wanted to binge watch a movie. Ended up watching this movie. By the time I completed it, it was 1 to 1:30 am. And date had changed to 26/11 just a decade later. 

This movie was released in 2013. Why didn't I see it before?? Why I felt like watching it on that very night?? I have no answers. But several times such silly coincidence happen with me. And I just can't forget that event. What a uncanny feeling I have for such things?? 

Does it happen with anyone else or is it something special with me?? 🤔 

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