Thursday, August 15, 2024

Weird uncomfortable events!!

 On continuation to my previous post today I am sharing some of the weirdest events that occurred with me. Few years ago there was this METOO movement where many of my classmates shared their experiences.. I too wanted to share but which one should I pick ..I did not understood..

One of the incidents was in 2006 Bangalore. I had not even got a job then but this is the only event where I seeked help. One evening me and my roommate were coming back to our hostel and we were inside Forum mall. One thin, black man with red eyes kept following us. He was constantly staring at me. When we marked him, we both went from one shop to other thinking he will disappear. But, no he kept following us. Then I called up my friend and her boyfriend Hota bhai was staying near my hostel. He agreed to come for us. It was merely 500 mts that we needed to walk. But, we were scared by his look. He called me and asked both of us to walk in his front and he would follow us keeping certain distance in between. We did that and reached hostel safely. All thanks to him, he came that day. This man kept following me for couple of days more. He would appear from nowhere and stand staring at me in the auto stand. Thankfully he disappeared after a few days.

In another event I was coming home from Bangalore in 2008 by train. A man boarded train near Rajamundry and he stood near the gate. My seat was in middle row and opposite to the door. He kept making indecent gesture at me till the time he got down at Vizag. I just turned away and ignored. But, what was that... ??

In another incident on a public bus a man stood next to me did similar thing. Needless  to explain further.. he got down and started whistling. 

On a morning shift, my cab did not come or I missed it ..I don't remember. I was walking till a auto, one man doing jogging approached me and grabbed me. Then he ran away. I looked around but couldn't see any one nearby. It was so hurting, almost my tears came... 

If I go on and on it will be very long .. so let's end it with this one,

In my school days, I think It was in class 3 or 4. There was a teacher who once asked me to come to his desk. Infront of whole class he said sit in my chair next to me. I am actually laughing as I write this, what makes me laugh I don't understand. Then he pinched my waist and let me go back to my place. What was that... As a kid I didn't understood. I didn't share this at home, because I didn't understood why he did it. Thankfully my father had a transferable job and we went from there that year.  Why he had to do that.. ?? 

If someday someone gives me permission to slap someone...I would like to give a tight one to him. Teachers.. huh. 

May be because of my weird experiences in train.. and airport being so far from the city.. I choose to leave Bangalore, even without thinking about the opportunities that the city could offer. 

Also I left behind all the attention seeking behaviour of my fellow classmates. They were immature or wanted to grab my attention, whatever it may be I am leaving them out of this. 

People say you DESERVE better.What better.. what is DESERVE. Did I deserve this? What does this DESERVE word actually means. All I know is what I WANT.. what is DESERVE to me .. NOTHING. One useless word in my dictionary.

I remember my mom would wait in middle of the road each day after school. This didn't make things easy, because I feared telling her if someone made me uncomfortable on the way. I felt she will fear more. I don't think I look very beautiful. I am not very tall, or very beautiful but yes pretty enough to catch some eyes. 

In all this incident what do you think being a woman means... You just keep wishing Kash ke mein ek ladka hota.. may be I am jealous of men. Sayad!! Because being woman is not so easy.

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