Monday, August 12, 2024

Moving On !!

 I have mixed feelings about this incident, some unresolved feelings I still don't understand. Maybe I am too free and my mind is wandering on things that are not important to me. So, whatever it may be I am not going to stop myself from sharing this today. 

In 2008 in Bangalore, I was feeling low one day. One of my roommates who worked with me in the same office took me out for shopping. The other roommate went to native. So, we two started our journey in the evening around 4 pm. We went to catch an auto near Forum mall and all of a sudden her boyfriend came and she introduced me to him. I don't remember his name anymore but his nickname "Litu" stayed with me. He was fair 5"6 around and little fat. He came wearing a bright red full shirt and a stripped black formal pants. At first, I did not feel like going with them. But, somehow we went. We went to the commercial street, she did some shopping and I bought a Pink color dress for myself. I had Gadbad ice cream for the first time. It was good and the look was awesome. This guy was complaining of some stomach ache but all three of us ate it. Then we headed back to our place. 

A few months later, my roommate said her boyfriend Litu was not keeping well and they went to see the doctor. She would go out with him almost every day. She said he was saying "I am not feeling good so let's go and watch some movies. I feel like I won't last long."  So, I was like okay out of sickness he is behaving like this. Then she went to her native place that very week. I saw Litu coming to drop her at the airport. She returned 10 days later and said, Litu would go to his home by train. 

On the day, we both were on the morning shift. After office, when we reached our place she got a call and she came rushing back to the room all in tears and said Litu could not make it. He went to Jajpur and his parents came to receive him. But, he expired on the way back from the train to his house. We were shocked. She kept crying and said I can see him all around. We did not know what to say. 

Then I said if it was so serious why was he here? He could have come with you when you went home. Or maybe you would have informed his parents to come to Bangalore. She replied they would scold me so or say something which I wouldn't feel like hearing so I did not inform them. I said at least you could have told me, I would have called and talked to his family. It's not that difficult. Or else would have asked any of our male friends or colleagues.. they could have helped. But, then we stopped this discussion and focused on her. We would bring her food and wherever she needed for the next couple of days. 3 days later, we took her out. We just went around in Kormangla, thinking it would make it easy for her. To our surprise, she ended up buying a jacket that day... we did not expect that. 

After a week both of us were in the night shift. Suddenly she fell down in the office hurting her chin. It was a minor cut but they took her to hospital. After my shift was over, the duty manager called me and took me to the hospital with him. I went... when we reached the hospital I was shocked to see one of our friends, we knew he had a crush on my roommate. And she always said she didn't like him. How come he was there??  I felt like a fool.. 😂😂 The duty manager left us and headed home. And I felt why she needed me there?? Oh if he was there I could have gone home, and I was least interested in being kabab mein haddi 😂😂😂... but she keeps making me that. 

From that day on I saw them spending time together.. After a few months, one day she called me and one of my friends to Forum Mall. She said there was a surprise so come as soon as possible. We both went there and to our shock, not a surprise, she wanted to celebrate Litu's birthday with her new boyfriend. And she needed us too.. Again .. Ahh!! 😂😂😂 We two friends looked at each other when she was blowing candles and her boyfriend was singing Happy Birthday to Litu. Felt like saying this is enough I am not feeling like being part of this but don't know what kept me from not sharing it that time. 

What was this?? Whom did she love?? Is this moving on... when did it start?? 3 days after Litu's death or sometime before itself.. Call me old school... not fit for this society or whatever... I still don't understand these new concepts of hookup culture, situationship or some other weird terms of the design.. No, I don't... Maybe I have conditioned myself not to understand what this MOVING ON means exactly... whom they are fooling, themselves or others around them?? Cant really understand how similar yet so different our thinking and emotions could be.. I dont know if she remembers Litu any more or not but I still remember that guy. 

Now she is doing professionally well and has married her boyfriend. But after this birthday celebration slowly we both moved away from each other.. We never spoke about it, but maybe she sensed I was not okay being part of such celebrations or maybe our minds don't match. It went so far apart that I ended up changing the room we shared. We are not in touch but I know what she is doing.  

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