Sunday, August 18, 2024

My pearl bracelet

 My pearl bracelet 

I kept it close to myself..

Along with 3 other pearl earrings.

But the bracelet was my most favourite 

I lost it...

At the Stockholm airport..

Realised it's gone when 

I was hurrying back home

Could see it from far away 

That I left it in the security tray

Wished to get it back 

But time was not there to go back

On my way back

Kept missing it

This too left me..

Then made my mind 

Who wants to see it??

Never bought any bracelet again 

Today again after 8 yrs

I bought a rose colour bracelet 

It cannot replace my pearl bracelet

Because the emotions mattered.

I am left with only one pair pearl earrings 

Hope this year l will buy some more

But I know I will keep missing the other two

I wish I could get them back

I wish I could feel the emotions that mattered.

Pls don't tell me not to be so emotional 

Because that's how I am .. if not this

Then where is me in it ??

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