Thursday, August 29, 2024

Few more on biases

Our traditional practices are so weird sometimes that knowingly or unknowingly we do not even accept genuine blessings of people sometimes. 

I would like to dedicate this to childless couples. People treat them so badly. I have a beautiful colleague cum friend who is not blessed with any kid. She and I used to talk about our families. She would share how her own people would pass weird comments at her. 

It's so easy to see the negatives in any person. But, those who would genuinely try will see a beautiful and successful lady she is. Thankfully she has a supportive partner. 

I have an elder brother who is also not blessed with any kids. Both my brother and sister- in -law are in top of their career and lead a happy life. However, I have seen relatives bringing this up repeatedly in their absence. What makes them say such things and what do they get out of it? 

I myself had my child after 7 yrs of my marriage. My brother in law who got married later was blessed with a son a year before us. They did not inform us and we got this news from others. After 15 days they sent a mail to which I replied,

 Congratulations and God bless the little one. 

I kept it as short as possible. Still I got to hear that I am commenting on them. I decided never to ever reply to their mails or messages. Why can't I bless a kid in my own family? Do I not congratulate my friends and colleagues? If yes then what makes me not do that for a kid in my family? 

But, look at my brother that I spoke earlier he sent me his blessings that goes below when I was blessed with a kid,

"Life will keep changing but there is one thing that will remain constant throughout your life – your love for your child.
Congratulations for finding something so magical. Wishing you and your newborn many years of good health, love, and happiness."

Why do we condition our minds to even not accept blessings with an open heart? Last year I got to meet him and his wife after ages. I had never met his wife before. He stays in Gurgaon and I was there to visit my brother. I just called him and not only he responded but he and his wife visited us that very day. They were so generous they made another plan and invited us to their home and we shared our childhood memories and enjoyed. 

Why unnecessarily we don't see the blessings and instead focus on finding hidden agendas.. is it so tough that we can't see or feel that genuine thing, their positive vibes in it?  

Think, think and think?? 

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