Sunday, August 18, 2024


 I needed you,

I tightened my grip

And you slipped away. 

You said you didn't deserve me

All I knew that my soul choose you 

Among admiration of so many 

My soul choose you.. 

what it deserved it doesn't know

I knew life is not bed of roses

But if we choose we could make it happy

Today my soul still says 

I am in you and you are in me

I still don't understand 

What to do 

Should I suppress my feelings 

Or let it flow

Why is it that there is such an urge?

Why still I need to fight with me,

To let it be as it is ?... 

My mind says 

Am I such a bad person ,

That I have to fight with myself always?

What is it that I should do?

I have no answer 

I wish you could tell me 

what should I do ?..

Just don't tell me that DESERVE word

 ever again.. 

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