Thursday, October 17, 2024

Waiting period

 How patient you are in waiting 

Is all that matters

Good things take time 

 Cooking rice takes time

If we hurry it will remain undercooked

Same way in life waiting is what matters

Trust like a child on the divine forces 

What belongs to you will come to you

It will take time and need patience 

Sometimes it seems impossible 

Sometimes too confusing 

Sometimes makes us feel guilty 

Sometimes makes us anxious 

But no matter what time and God 

Will teach you to be patient 

If you hurry you will feel drained 

Like my friend used to say

Don't worry come carefully 

We have time .. her tone and

 choice of words never made 

me anxious of getting late

Same way when we are in waiting period 

In this life's journey 

We need to be patient 

And learn to be joyful during such times..

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