Friday, October 4, 2024

Dhruva's determination

King Uttanapada had two wives Suniti and Suruchi. Both had very different nature. Suniti was calm and simple and Suruchi was clever and proud. Both had a son each. Suniti's son was Dhruva and Suruchi's son was Uttam.

Oneday, Dhruva was playing on his father's lap. His stepmother Suruchi walked in and she removed him from his father's lap and said," You cannot sit on your father's lap, only my son has the right." Dhruva was deeply hurt and he went crying to his mother and told her. His mother consoled and said, "There is great power in devotion to God. You can find not only place in your father's lap but also in God's embrace. "

Moved by her words, Dhruva went to Jungle with determination to pray to God. While he was going to Jungle Narada Muni saw this little boy of 5 years age. He came to Dhruva and asked him what was he doing there. Dhruva told him everything. Narada Muni tried to console and take Dhruva back to his family. He said, "I will convince your father and he will do the needful. You do not need to pray here in Jungle for this simple matter. " However, Dhruva was too determined and did not move away from his wish to pray (do tapasya). Then Narada Muni told him to chant the following mantra.

Ohm Namaho Bhagvate Vasudevaya!!

And Dhruva started praying in that Jungle. For first months he ate fruits in gap of 3 days. In the second month he ate dried leafs and grass in a gap of 6 days. Then on third month he took water only in a gap of 9 days. On 4th month he took breath in a gap of 12 days. On 5th month he stood on one leg. On 6th month when he stopped breathing God appeared before him and asked for a boon.

By this time Dhruva forgot what was he praying for. So, this little boy said, "I want nothing. " God was too pleased and blessed him that his name will shine like the pole star. Since, then the Saptarshi's called the pole star as Dhruva Tara. 

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