Friday, October 18, 2024

Listen to yourself!!

 As we all are different, in same way we heal differently. Like our choices, like our nature.. in same way, we all heal differently. 

Some might just close a bad chapter and turn to next like a click of switch.

Some might need to cry, scream and then slowly accept the situation. 

Some might choose to keep good memories.

Some might just want to erase it altogether. 

What matters is to listen to yourself ? We ask others for suggestions and they might not know or might not be willing to help. All say just ask yourself. 

Sometimes I feel why can't we help each other. 

We are human beings, social animals and we have that communication skills to provide compassion, advice and care to others. Why not to use it? 

Self love does not mean being selfish, I believe it means being selfless. I can be broken doesn't mean my heart or mind can't understand the pain others face. If I can then what makes me not provide that time to someone who needs me. 

May be that is one reason I find time to jot down my feelings in form of stories or poems. 

If someone can learn from my experience then it solves a good purpose. I might fail ..I warn you.. because for me success is not just social status but growing as an individual. 

They say move away from people and places where you don't find respect. But, it's not true always. We all need respect and ofcourse we should not stick around that place where there is no respect. Sometimes, people disrespect us yet they do not let us go. Ofcourse we should choose, but when you selflessly serve others. You will give up, until you find a better solution that serves everyone. 

I am yet to find many answers that would let me guide myself where I am willing to head. Let me see how I mould myself.

Give me some sunshine give me some rain.

Give me another chance , I wanna grow up once again. 

God bless  🙏 

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