Sunday, October 6, 2024


 As parents the most challenging task is to accept how tiring parenting can be sometimes. We glorify having kids and the real challenge starts once you are a parent. 

And the worst thing we do is upbringing our child according to the respectability of the society that we live in. We want our kids to be able to do something that would be appreciated in the society. Then starts the mental strain because of our fixed benchmark. 

For the wellbeing of a child we have to accept our child with his or her unique abilities. This does not mean we should not encourage them to develop skills. But, removing that expectation that my child would do this, should develop that etc should be limited. 

I see many of my friends sharing their kids achievement in academics, in sports and other fields. It's good, sometimes when we as parents take it in right way. Or else it's a overburden on self.

 Anyways, by now we know the side effects of social media if we do not use it diligently.  With the society that we live in staying away from your smart phone is not possible, and in many ways we are codependent on technology to progress.  Therefore, it becomes even more challenging for us to restrict ourselves from these thoughts. 

We need to be ready to accept and encompass our child as a priority over our own respect in society. Forget society, relatives etc etc if you want to be able to love your child unconditionally, rather than dictating a specified path for them to follow through. The moment we attach expectations out of our child that love will cease to exist. We cannot change anything unless we accept to change our own mindset. As change is the only constant. 

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