Sunday, July 21, 2024

Trivial questionnaire

 I remember once someone asked me, " whom I look upto and would care and nurture in my life?". I didn't thought much and said my youngest brother. 

But, later I realised they expected me to say MY FATHER. Ofcourse, I loved him, cared for him. But, don't know why it was my youngest brother as my answer. Sometimes I feel he is more protective of me than my baba. Even though he is much younger to me, he would give advice that only he can think of. 

Baba is not anymore with us and I can very well understand why this question was asked and if at all I would have answered in the way they wanted me to, what would have followed.  

Sometimes being little fool is better. And I know this very well now. Who has to always think so deeply and answer. Why can't one be simple. Why complexity makes it look as though it's a great trait. 

God knows why he creates people with so many varieties, so many attributes that handling them becomes tough. Anyways you taught me a great lesson nicely. Can't forget it ever. Thanks for teaching me that I have to think before requesting . Because my request seems worthless but you cant directly say no. Because you fear that I will do something against your wish. So, you have got rights to do as per your wish to make me realise that I should not have requested at all. Great lesson, indeed!! But, who needs an axe to remove a needle. I am a simple person with a simple request. One NO from your end would have done what you wanted. I didn't need a dagger in my back to understand it. Not everyone is so complex like you. And stop thinking , how better you handled it. I can do that in a much simpler way. And would rather do that again and again. 

I am my father's daughter. He was simple and even he would have politely requested and would have politely said no. He would not have chased anyone with a dagger to let things be his way.

So much to learn to fit into a complex world.

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