Thursday, July 25, 2024

Moment of enlightenment!!

 Today, I woke up to a dream that I remember clearly.  So, here it goes.

I saw my roommate from college in dreams. I ran into her suddenly in our society park and she told me she was staying there. So, I asked her to visit her home. She and her son took me and my son there. Then we decided to go to our home. While coming out of her home, I felt like it was a big house with a big garage. I complimented her and then she told me we would need to catch a bus to go to my house. Suddenly, from our society, we landed up in some other place. 😂😂

Somehow on the road, her son was holding my hand and my son was coming with her behind me. I took her son and climbed the bus. And, the bus started leaving behind my friend and my son. I was screaming at the driver to stop. But he was laughing and did not pull the brakes. After a while, he stopped and we both got down. We crossed one road and a narrow alley and her son broke his shoes. I told him I would carry you but he started running back and I hurried back following him. At the corner of the alley, I turned to my right and saw a magnificent temple. It was probably Gujarati language in which something was written that I could not figure out but I felt like it was a holy Jain temple. I was standing in one corner. The temple was inside the lake and its outer wall had paths to do parikrama. It was made of marble and gold. The outer wall had a gate where I was standing. I saw only men wearing white dhotis and yellow robes walking in silence. It was dazzling and I was wandering how I missed to notice this temple while we crossed it before.  It felt so peaceful and I wanted to take a picture of it. I reached out to my mobile and realized I left it with my friend. So, I turned back and again rushed to follow her son back to the place we started. At this point, I got up. 

In real I have never been to any Jain temple. And mostly they are located at the top of a hill, not in a lake. Lately, I have not been as spiritual as I used to be before. Suddenly, waking up to such a dream made me feel good.  I don't associate any meaning to dreams now nor do I wish it come true. A dream is just a dream not real. However, dreaming of a temple so magnificent made me feel enlightened. 

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