Sunday, July 21, 2024

An emotional person

 Oneday, If I had to, I will tell my child not to give too much in love. But, be someone who will be loved more.

In every relationship one person loves more than the other. The one who loves more, cares more tends to get hurt more. When you are the person who gives more .. be ready to get hurt more.

Its so easy to write but how does one control his/her nature. It's a human nature to love the way we do. And we all inherit that from our ancestors just like diseases, mental abilities, physical features and so on.

Who can change one's own nature? Does anyone ever change? No I guess, until that person wants from within. 

We all know, this basic fact. But, do we follow it. Is it easy to play mind games in love too? Well, atleast it's not my nature. I am an emotional person, who can either give entirely or none. There is no mind game that I could play in this matter. Ofcourse, now it doesn't even matter to me. Time has passed and I have realised nothing is that important. 

Basically, what has to happen will happen. May be I can never teach my child not to be as emotional as me in matter of love. If he carries this from me .. I can't even control that. How helpless right 😂😂.  

I am not anymore  interested to give Gyan but just to write how I feel it. Basically I now assume noone is reading my blog. But, incase you...yes you did, then that's it. I know nothing extra than you do. I am a human being, with all the same problems that you face, and not even knowing how to handle a big amount of it. 

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