Monday, March 19, 2012

Vermilion smeared all over his body from head to toe - Hanumanji

Hi Readers,

After a long interval of time, I am again back with one story taken from Hindu mythological verses. In all over India, the Lord Hanuman is depicted with red Vermilion and oil smeared all over his body. There is a short story behind this from which, Hindu's derived the tradition of worshiping Lord Hanuman by applying a paste of Vermilion and Oil all over his idol.

The story goes as below,

After safely reaching Ayodhya, Rama in no time settled down to a happy life of kingship and matrimony. Hanuman continued to be a constant and devoted companion with an unrestricted access to Rama.
 Life went on normally. Many delightful episodes from this period establish Hanuman as the ultimate bhakta, and shed much light on his unique personality.

Every morning Hanuman would observe Sita put a red mark on her forehead and smear the parting of her hair with vermilion powder, enacting a ritual which is the exclusive prerogative of married women in India. Being naturally of a curious bent of mind he asked her the reason behind this daily ritual. "For the well-being of my husband," replied she. Hanuman, ever the humble well-wisher of his chosen lord wondered: "If a virtuous woman like Sita has to apply vermilion in this manner for the good of Lord Rama, I, a mere monkey, need to do more." Thus thinking, he took a bowlful of the paste and smeared his whole body with it. Needless to say, both Rama and Sita were move by the purity of Hanuman's heart. Since then, idols of Hanuman are colored a rich vermilion red. 

Jay Siaram!! 

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