Saturday, September 28, 2024

Navadurga in various stages of a women's life

 Heard this somewhere and it touched. Nice interpretation so felt like sharing this here. 

Shailaputri - At first a woman is a daughter as the name suggests she is the daughter of Mountain.

Bhramhacharini - This is the education  period, she is not carrying any weapon or sitting on lion or tiger. She is depicted as a Bhramachari a seeker of knowledge and wisdom. This is the period of gaining knowledge and growth. 

Chandraghanta - This is the marriage time of a woman and she is carrying the crescent moon of her husband.

Kusumanda - She is ready for giving birth. Kusumanda means cosmic egg. 

Skandamata - She is now a mother. Mother of Skanda or Karthikey. 

Katayini - Here is ready to tackle her enemy Mahishasur. Which represents both her external and internal fights. Internal fights with her lower emotions and external fights against Patriarchy and societal norms.

Kalaratri - When the women finally embraces both her positives and negatives within herself she becomes Kalaratri. 

MahaGauri - This is the phase where she is ready to uplift others especially other women's. She becomes a inspiration to others.

Siddhidhatri - This is where she becomes a bestower of boons. She is ready to bless and upbring the society. 

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