Friday, September 27, 2024

Little girls pottery

 There was a little girl who wanted to learn pottery. Her granny used to make pottery and she admired a beautiful piece of pottery that her grandmother made.

Every day after her school she would try to make a pot. And everyday she saw her grandmother opening a cupboard and looking at something but then she would close it without taking out anything.

This little girl would try making pot everyday, some would break, some would be deformed, in some cracks would develop. But, she kept trying. But, oneday she felt really sad and frustrated that she has been trying it for so long yet nothing works for her. So, she stopped making it and sat disappointed. 

Her Granny noticed her and asked her why she is feeling low. Upon hearing her, granny said, "Do you know what is there in that cupboard? Do you want to see?" Little girl nodded yes and then granny opened the cupboard. 

There she saw a lot of pots with different shapes, some having cracks and some broken. The granny said, "Do you know the pot that you admire took me 12 years to make. All this pots I made before finally making it. 

The girl now realised that she was comparing her chapter 1 to her granny's chapter 12. We all do this when we compare ourselves with others. The amount of success that we see in others could be their chapter 12 and we could be in our chapter 1. 

So, we should never compare the results or success of others to ourselves. We never know who did what? It is better to compare oneself to our past self not others. 

Remember to choose yourself, your kindness and gratitude and have faith. 

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