Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Understanding me!!

 In anger I cried, 

My heart pumping high

Did not eat and made it miserable 

I wished it never happened 

Then the understanding me

appeared from no where.

Slowly it whispered 

Flip the coin, see the other side..

I wiped my tears and opened

my eyes, it was not me alone.

I saw you too feeling the pain.

Only difference I was crying 

But you took it all without sheding tears.

I felt miserable thinking of my people 

Then the understanding me,

thought for one last time let me 

do what everyone wanted and

 even you.

The understanding me wanted to

make my people smile..

I did what was needed and could not cry

I understood life when I felt nothing was

right, but kept on smiling without sheding 


Oneday you appeared telling me you are

alone. It was the first time I was rude and 

pushed you as far as I could..

I wished you well and had to leave. 

I wished I could talk but the understanding 

me reminded me if not now , you too shall 

end up in pain just like me.

Years later I wish I could ask, but

the understanding me says just stop it here.

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