Friday, August 23, 2024

Truth is truth

 Death is the truth. It will come oneday..

You could have taken me back

When I was too sick,

But you choose to send me back

To experience what?

I was so happy and good , may be the best version of myself then

If at all you would have taken me that time 

I would have left with so much love,

My classmates would have enjoyed a holiday for not knowing who is gone😂

But you choose to send me back

I remember watching myself in mirror after that

I couldn't imagine how my eyes looked that bad

The doctor showed me to all his patients 

Happily sharing look at her, she is back

Doctors didn't believe I remembered my scores

One of them scolded me for not being able to sit straight 

But why did you send me back ?

Go through pain and keep showing up strength 

But for what?

What's my purpose, can you help me find that?? 

I believe it's detachment and I am learning that

Once I complete this, take me back and never send me back. 

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