Sunday, August 11, 2024

A scary dream !!

 In my childhood days, I remember waking up to weird dreams at night. My parents would sit holding me and comforting me that there is nothing. I was about 5 yrs of age, when I would end up seeing flying objects, humans and sometimes would see myself falling into deep dark tunnel. I would wake up screaming and my parents would comfort me. Keep the lights on for the night. Slowly these dreams disappeared. But, I can still visualise those dreams. 

Then there was this scary dream that I saw in my engineering third year days. I shared this only with my roommates in Bangalore years later and they both got so scared that did not sleep that night. But, I slept..πŸ˜‚

So, here it goes. It was the day I returned to hostel after summer break. It was a tiring journey from Bhubaneswar to Bombay chhack in daytime. I reached hostel at around 3:30pm with my friend who accompanied me. Room was a mess. And my roommate had not come. So, I had to clean the room. My side block was empty. The friend who accompanied me stayed in the floor above me. And the below floor had our juniors. That day we were very few girls in the hostel. 

I was too tired from the journey and the cleaning. My room was on the side of hostel towards the east. My window opened to a village road with view of a weird Kali temple. Weird because once we four friends went there saw noone around. We just prayed and left. It was a small temple with Kali maa idol. On top of her head was a small slab with three small human skulls. When we returned to hostel our security guard scolded us. He said you should not have been to that temple. No villager would go there. Only the Kali sadhak who stays close to the temple performs the puja. On the last diwali this guard came to each of our rooms and warned not to open our windows in night. He said never to look out on Diwali night. 

Now returning to the day of dream. On that very night, I was too tired and fell asleep really quickly. At around 2 am I saw a man yellowish white around 5" 8 well built entering my window. His body had a smooth and beautiful glow. I don't remember the face but his physique.. he had a long tail and was naked. He enters my room by the window and grabs my throat. I was screaming but couldn't produce any sound other than gaaaaw..gaaaw. I am trying to push his hand but he had grabbed me with force. I wanted to chant mantra.. but could not recollect Hanuman chalisa.. so, I tried to say jay hanuman.. but only managed to say ohm.. he released me and rushes out of my room by the door which was behind me. I got up.. could feel the pain in my neck. It was hurting.. as if really someone grabbed it willing to kill me. 😫😫

I ran out of my room, I could not see anyone. Then I saw one of my junior in the corridor. I thought shall I go to her. Standing in the corridor I thought, why to scare her. She has exam tomorrow. I stood there... Then I came back and realised my window was open. Closed it, said my prayers. I kept my lights on and went back to sleep. I couldn't sleep though but may be around the morning fell asleep.  

What a memorable dream is not it?? See I remember each bit of it. It's been nearly 20 years to this incident but I can't forget this dream. 

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