Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Overthinking !!

 A few days back, I was sending to one of my younger sister a beautiful story on overthinking and how one should control it.As I know she is a overthinker, so I thought of forwarding it to her.

She then replied that , "yes ,I am overthinker but what I usually think turns out to be be correct." How true and amazing it is. Yes, it is I admit. 

I am an overthinker myself. Sometimes, I tell myself not to think but can't really stop it. My head just plays one thought and carries it like a tape recorder. 😂 😂 I know very well overthinking gives us answers to all our questions. We know it but sometimes still want to hear it from the other person. It makes things better.I know overthinking can cost you peace of your mind. However, advices are easy to give and difficult to apply on oneself.

It's a kind of intuition which tells you what's next. But, whether you listen to your mind or heart matters. 😂😂😂  

So, ofcourse I too am a work in progress in overcoming OVERTHINKING. Don't know if I can succeed or not. Sometimes I feel I should have been a counselor.. advising is so damn easy 😂😂 right. Girls in general are compassionate not solution oriented but I differ. I almost always find solutions except when the problem is not mine. 😂😂

Lot of emojis right. But, I hope you too laugh or smile a little where you see it. One thing writting helps to reduce OVERTHINKING. Sometimes exaggerates it, if you happen to write with beautiful words as you tend to redo your work several times. So, caution to you if you are thinking of taking my ADVICE. 

Stay positive!! 

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